PASE-IoT Workshop
International Workshop on Performance, Availability, Security and Energy Efficiency of IoT communications (PASE-IoT)
To be held in conjunction with
26th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT 2019), April 8-10, 2019, Ha Noi, Vietnam
The Internet connected systems of physical devices where lightweight communication protocols are employed for interconnecting computing devices, digital and mechanical instruments, animals, people or other objects are forming the main infrastructure of IoT. In the absence of user-user or user-computer interactions, IoT systems can transmit data over the network. IoT systems have a very heterogeneous structure with the participation of physical devices, vehicles, household appliances and electronics, software, sensors, actuators and other similar elements with connection, which allows data to be connected, collected and exchanged. Depending on the type of application, IoT systems may require various levels of Quality of Service (QoS), such as low latency, high bandwidth, and energy efficiency, which are affected by the complexity of deployment environments. Furthermore, IoT infrastructures can be used to handle exchange of sensitive information. Therefore, evaluation methodologies for IoT are crucial to take into account the critical QoS measures for various application areas. The Workshop on Performance, Availability, Security and Energy Efficiency of IoT communications (PASE-IoT-2019) focuses on the existing challenges encountered in the evaluation of the IoT application layer without physically applying various protocols.